LPA - Manager Programme   
  • Learn
  • Progress
  • Achieve

In terms of return on investment,
this is the programme which continues to achieve a consistent and highly tangible success story for all our clients.

If you are looking for measurable performance improvements in your managers and their people this is the programme for you and your organisation.

Effective Skills can pin point areas relative to your work environment and drive through expertly guided behavioural change.

Developing simple Key Performance Indicators around these behaviours defines our training approach. It ensures that the learner and their organisation can capitalise on the training programme long after it has been delivered.

Investing in your people will make a real difference, if you really want them to flourish, this is the development investment that will present an instant win for you.

Why this programme, why choose us?

The LPA Programme is designed to inspire confidence through equipping managers with the necessary skills for more effective, more efficient performance in managing people and organisational objectives.

For participants of this classroom learning and workplace project-based course,  it provides instant results in the work-place with our management training experience and fluid delivery style, your commitment and support.

This is a bold statement.

As you will know, there are differing levels of training courses out there available to you. Nailing the right training for the right people for the right organisation can be a gamble.

Often the source of the problems or gaps our clients were trying to address were not obvious to them and consequently misunderstood by training providers. There was a very real risk that the wrong training could have been sourced based on traditional courses. Easy to procure but ineffective in almost every case.

Many of the contracts we still win today are sourced after the client has already spent significant sums of money with no discernible effect.

The programme is split into 7 key areas:


1.     Pre-Programme Assessment

 Initial Consultation - To establish the content alignment with your organisation.

Online questionnaire with the purpose to allow potential participants and their managers to identify what they feel they need to achieve from the programme. 


2.     2 Days Training - People Management  

2 Days (either consecutive or separate) of Behavioural /Soft Skills 

followed by, approximately 4 weeks later: 

3.    2 Days Training  - Business Management

2 Days (either consecutive or separate) of Business Strategy, Process and Key Financials

followed by, approximately 4 weeks later:

4.    1 Day Training Revision & Business Project Support   

Including prior 'online knowledge questionnaire' to establish underpinning retained knowledge and 'Project Support' for their workplace initiatives

5.     Project Work

 ‘Knowledge is Knowing...Doing is Understanding.’ 

This stage will allow participants to apply their new capabilities and promote behavioural change aligned with key organisational objectives.

An example of this would be to focus on an area for improved efficiency or lost opportunity in the business and allow the participant to implement change through their colleagues and management that will result in profitability improvement.

 6.     1  Day Project Presentations and evaluation

 Participants will be asked to make a 10-minute presentation to their peers and detailed feedback will be given to them by all parties. 

Where the LPA Make it happen Programme has been delivered to one organisation, managers will be invited to attend to see their manager / team in action.

The projects can take the form of a feasibility study with business returns and key benefits presented in order to attract the investment and resources to allow it to commence.
Or, it can be a low cost waste reduction project for example, a staff morale boosting initiative or a process improvement that have already been completed without the need for operations manager authorisation. In either case, tangible impacts on ROS and KPI's will feature.

7. Detailed course participant report and manager feedback via online survey

 Our trainer will write feedback reports about each participant and this will be combined with the results from the online feedback survey from both the participants and their managers.  

The project-based programme content is interwoven with proven business practice frameworks, decades of psychological methodology research, trainer experience and participant engagement that can be taken directly from classroom to enable rapid and permanent behavioural change when they return to their work environment.

This is why our clients choose us:



Our unique developmental approach, in almost every case, is, to pinpoint the successful behaviours employed by top performing employees in whatever role they are in by interviewing their immediate line managers, HR and key team members. We also identify the ineffective behaviours of their less successful colleagues too.

This behaviourally based approach, combined with our own experience and model behaviours we have already successfully identified and imparted to other learners means that we are able to focus on precise behavioural change during their course, which is measured and evaluated against agreed effectiveness ratings.

This enables learners to achieve their potential quickly in their managerial or sales role. Leaving them with a set of tools to help them to deal effectively with performance and other issues within their spheres of managerial or personal influence.

Course content - competencies and model examples..


Forming Strategies     Managing Performance     Belief Systems     Psychometrics     Inspiring Confidence in others and Motivating     Process Improvement     Learning Preferences     Confident Communicating     Emotional Intelligence     Conflict Handling     Time Management     Providing Feed-back     Skills Coaching      Business Mechanics and Financials     Better Understanding of Workplace KPI’s     Case Study  

Book a free consultation with us.

Who is the programme for? 

Managers and Team Leaders.  Everyone will get something out of it.

Experience and knowledge is for anyone’s taking. Nobody will get left behind!

This is not a virtual course. Its feet on the ground, face to face.

Our trainer will nurture a comfortable, friendly and open environment where all participants can engage and push their learning abilities to another level.


We put the focus on behavioural excellence which can encompass personal attitudes, beliefs, skills, behavioural competencies and the personal working preferences of the individual learner.

We don’t want classroom learning to be left in the classroom.

This is a work-place project driven programme to initiate positive change.

We can also follow up the training with online coaching or face to face counselling as agreed with our client. This closed loop ensures a maximum impact for the training investment. 

Help your managers and be rewarded at the same time!

We are also, in many cases, able to provide an ROI analysis for the training, and this often outstrips the initial investment many times over. 

LPA Programme 
A typical cost:

Example based on 8* People on the programme:
For 5 fantastic days of face to face training / with optional 4 hrs Virtual Support Trainer Session / 1 Day Participant Presentation / Online Knowledge Questionnaire Start & Finish / Participant Feedback Report / FREE Workbooks.

ONLY £245* per person  / per Day.

Including all materials, workbooks, trainer expenses. Optional 4 x Hourly trainer project support which could accommodate 8 people (30 minute sessions). 

Confidence inspiring, engaging personal development that will give continuous organisational improvement for many years to come.

It doesn’t just end here.

When an employee is given the opportunity and freedom to initiate an idea and its accepted, they are more than likely to apply their new learnings again. In the knowledge and with this acceptance they can go on, again and again, to continue to make changes for the better.

It will have a long lasting effect.

Do you want to know more? Please complete our contact form or alternatively call 01925 212318