24 Particiants
16 Promotions

4 remain in their respective sales management positions and the board are more than happy with their performance and progress. 3 identified for further development in other areas have either been relocated or role changed.
1  during the programme was in the process of leaving, had since left but has now returned to a new position within the organisation.

 A terrific result for the 16 that were identified for promotion. They are currently (April 2023) engaging in the next level personal development with us.

5 days of face to face training with people management, business management, project support and the final presentation day allowed the managers to put their underpinning knowledge, our training framework support to showcase their abilities to the board.

Its a truly rewarding experience for all involved. The board get to see first hand and question project initiatives and the focused approach to organisation improvement from their managers.

We are now engaged again with more of their managers on the 6 month programme combining the promoted and existing senior managers on 2 year rolling development plans.  

  • LPA Making it Happen
  • Customer experience
  • Staff Wellbeing
  • Performance Management
  • Soft-skills, Processes and Financials

Business improvement project.

The LPA Make it Happen manager programme does provoke and create desires in participants to consider what improvements they can actually make in their working environment.

Some improvements at first seem too insignificant to base a project upon.  "Why isn't it being done already", "Why do we operate like this", "Why is it being done like that" or
"A slightly different change in approach and we could increase...".

The format of the programme will stimulate these thoughts and its interesting how they can trigger a sequence of events from the first thoughts of how insignificant something can be but then can develop into making a huge impact on something further down the line.
From staff retention, customer satisfaction, team wellbeing or increase in ROS opportunities and so much more.

This is an excerpt from one of our participant's projects. From the composite starting point data she could see the opportunities for improvement that could be made and the importance of change that was required. Small individual improvements were made which did trigger a mini series of events. The LPA Making it Happen does give and enhance managers skill sets, providing too, management frameworks to help in effective applications. This particular case taking 3 months.

Its a great example of not having to ask for approval from her superiors. It was an initiative that required nothing financially, other than support, the freedom and time to apply it.

The project, the results achieved and the confident delivery of the presentation were very well received by the board.

All we ask from the managers going forward is..."What can you do next..."  :-) 

“To increase our current upsell conversion, mainly to focus on red/safety related work, improving and implementing process management to report all work required, maximise all up sell opportunities to meet growth expectations in 2019 while ensuring we maintain our high customer satisfaction levels and continue celebrating success.”

Why the NEED for CHANGE
  • Natural increased retail growth expectations for 2019
  • Limited workshop space and growth opportunity
  • Maximise current throughput vehicles
  • Process to empower positive team culture
  • Express opportunity for repairs while onsite
  • Profit opportunity with limited extra costs
  • Simplify process to ensure engagement, efficiency and customer satisfaction

  • Programme: LPA - Making it Happen
  • Measurements: Efficiency, Utilisation, Return on Sales

1% Gains

Sometimes, issues are more apparent when looking in from the outside. The 1% Gains is from Sir Dave Brailsford ( Formerly Performance Cycling Director for Great Britain. His philosophy, "the aggregation of marginal gains" in searching for a tiny margin of improvement in everything you do). Our delegate had just read his book. The timing was perfect. The knowledge from the book and the 'process' elements from the training went in hand in hand. He focused on the impact on his customers, the morale of his staff and the credibility of the brand. An estimated reduction of 1125 hours of wasted technician time would create a £61125 increase in the bottom line in just 1 year having invested in £12000 of resourcing. A 1% gain would have been good but he achieved much more. His proposition was agreed by the board.

For information on the training course for these results please call 01925 212318

  • Programme: LPA - Making it Happen
  • Measurement(s): Return on Sales
  • Return on Investment
  • Morale

A single point of Upsell

A project initiated by one of our delegates was to be able to coach his customer facing service advisor team in maximising sale opportunities. Results:  An increase in technician hours in 3 consecutive months from pre-coaching 140, 97, 167 to 228, 261, 220. Income generation from pre-coaching £44,673, £28381, £55772 to £77,765, £80410, £70154. Key ingredient takes from the programme: Delegation, KPI course work, time management and communication.

  • Programme: LPA - Making it Happen
  • Measurement(s): Increase in profitability

Personal effectiveness

Time Management is one of the courses that brings connectivity and meaning to you personally on so many levels.  Creating time for yourself provides the foundation to enable you to do the things you really want to do.
In many of the successes our clients have experienced is when they can organise themselves. It differentiates what is important, what is not and how you confidently take control by being able to communicate this to others.
Life can be stressful. An anxious mind is a state of mind that makes even the simplest functions more difficult compromising your cognitive decisions.
Get this life competency in place and we can really start to develop internally and perform more effectively externally.

  • Programme: Time Management 
  • Measurement(s): 
  • Wellbeing and personal Effectiveness

Preparing for external influences

Brexit and the potential trading impact. Our delegate put a tremendous amount of work into this project in some of the unknowns and inevitables in changing the current business model. The focus was on the change of process on how the business would have to prepare and a large emphasis on the likely-hood of increasing costs. The directors were obviously only too aware of the potential changes ahead. However, the the depth of research our participant applied, from a lower management level, providing unconsidered information was very much appreciated and taken on board. 

  • Programme: Strategy, Process & Business Financials
  • Measurements: People resource, financials, ROS.

Client Retention

Focus on each client touch point within each business department and cross referral. More understanding in what drives the customer to commit, the buying process, loyalty and satisfaction.
15% increase in client sales in 3 months with no cost investment internally.

  • Programme: Process & Marketing
  • Measurement(s): Increase in whole-site business profit

Confidence Building

An increase in departmental profit and the change in mindset topped a list of benefits from 4 staggered days of self development. Self-organisation created the time to prioritise what 'actually' needed to be accomplished.  The time to be able to communicate clearly the day to day objectives and a re[thing of the existing processes in place over a period of 6 months increased the monthly turnover from £706,542 to £773,663. A 9.5 % increase.  This particular individual really stepped up and she has recently been promoted.

  • Programme:  Time Management, Performance Management & Process Management
  • Measurement(s): Return on Sales, Confidence

'Doubled' department monthly profit.

Our delegate was a credit to the programme. She identified under- utilized software which significantly reduced people resource. It simply saved time boosting her departments productivity. The investment, other than the time spent with us and with the support from her stakeholders, financially - zero. From classroom to presentation (3 month period ) departmental increase in average monthly profit increased from 3.5% to 6.8%. ROS increase of 3.3%. In financial terms -  £12298.91 to £23982.87. A 95% increase. Doubling her department monthly profit.

  • Programme:  LPA - Making it Happen
  • Measure(s):   Return in Investment / Return on Sales/ Increase in productivity